The Human Beat

The Human Beat, hosted by Roger Rocka, features community conversations about our people, issues, environment, history and the joys of living here. Produced by the studios of KMUN.

The Human Beat March14 2022

Welcome to the Human Beat!  I’m Roger Rocka.   The City of Astoria is engaged in a process intended to provide some affordable housing downtown, in the area bounded by Duane, Exchange, 11th and 12th streets.  Some additional units would be used by Clatsop Behavioral Healthcare to provide housing and treatment for their clients.   The City is engaged in exclusive…

The Human Beat Febuary 14 2022

The United States is facing a national blood crisis, brought on by complications from the pandemic. A significant portion of hospital blood needs for patients is not being met.  Doctors are forced to make difficult decisions about who receives blood transfusions and who has to wait until more becomes available. The American Red Cross is…

The Human Beat, May 10 2021

For more than 40 years, Economist Ernie Niemi has investigated and described the relationship between the natural environment and local economies, in Oregon and elsewhere. Niemi, President of Natural Resource Economics, spoke before North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection recently about some of the economics of logging in Oregon. He discussed logging profits, taxes, jobs,…

The Human Beat, September 14 2020

Today’s program focuses on Consejo Hispano, formerly the Lower Columbia Hispanic Council. In a wide ranging conversation – edited here for time – we talked about the one stop, range of help provided through Consejo Hispano, which has expanded services in Clatsop, Tillamook, Columbia and Pacific counties. But our conversation also led us to immigration, to hate and…

The Human Beat, August 10 2020

Astor Street Opry Company will be doing a tribute to Shanghaied in Astoria… outdoors this Friday in the parking lot of its playhouse.  The idea is to provide some theatrical fun, safe from COVID-19.  You’ll find details on the Facebook page for Astor Street Opry Company.   This would have been Shanghaied’s 36th year.  In…

The Human Beat, Feb 11, 2019

Join Host Roger Rocka for The Human Beat. Show Synopsis: “Welcome to the Human Beat. I’m Roger Rocka. Oregon Forest laws were the topic when representatives from Oregon Wild spoke recently at the Fort George Lovell Room. Chandra LeGue and Jason Gonzales argued that Strong Forest Laws Are Good For Business and jobs, even as…