On the next Story Told, a romp through many different interpretations of Universal Human Rights featuring Mary Ann Glendon, Eleanor Roosevelt, the ACLU, and more.
Michael McCusker
On the next Story Told, Michael acknowledges World AIDS Day amongst what may later be known as World COVID Day in “Petition of Prejudice.” Also, by Dr. Robert Brake “My Not so Fond Farewell of Trump,” and finally a few mourning words about Jim Wilkins and Carlos Anaya.
This Thanksgiving, on the next Story Told, a diversion from the traditional pilgrimage celebration, in which America gives thanks that it’s been given back it’s democracy in “Donald Trump is Leaving Behind Blueprints to End Democracy,” by Timothy Egan. Additionally, in memoriam, “Auld Lang Syne” for Mathew Joseph Snyder.
On the next Story Told, Greta Thunberg responds to what may be the most important question of this generation and the last – Is there any candidate on the right or left who gets the severity of the climate? Her response: No, in “Beauty and the Beast.” Additionally, a list of “Freedoms According to the Right,” by Charles Hillestad….
On the next Story Told, a brief history of The Vietnam Veterans Against The War, including the defecationing of the Pentagon, titled “Winter Soldiers.”
On the next Story Told, with an uncalled election left hanging in the air Michael reads “Divided We Fall,” and in a letter to The Astorian newspaper, plus an excerpt from Albert Einstein, an argument for socialism simply titled “Why Socialism.” Additionally, “The Fury Against Trump Has Begun a Democratic Awakening,” by Fahad Manjoo, and lastly, in a possible premature catharsis…
On the next Story Told, Michael simmers one week from the election with “Redefining Democracy,” and on a particularly pertinent note “What Will You Do if Trump Doesn’t Leave?,” by David Brooks. In addition to confronting the next election, Dr. Robert Brake is also “Confronting Racism.” Lastly, on the cease of the Cuban Missile Crisis,…
On the next Story Told, Michael and Dr. Robert Brake tag team in taking shots at the next round of presidential debate insanity with “Dump Trump,” and “POTUS The Most-est.” Plus poetry, written for and about John Reed in what would be his one hundred thirty third birthday.
On the next Story Told, Michael illustrates how The Great Navigator missed India by half a world, thus, doubling the world’s size in “Hello Columbus.” Also, a tale of proud boys, and proud fascists with “The Mendacious Militia.” And to finish, in a self explanatory title, “Imagine what it will be like to never think about Trump again,” by Eugene Robinson.
On the next Story Told, Michael busses tables at the luxurious Top of The Astor for Bob Dole and Bill Clinton, as they conduct a secret negotiation to merge the Republican and Democratic parties in “The Transmutation of Billy-Bob.”
On the next Story Told, Michael conjectures why Americans feel the vote has lost its non-symbolic power, and has become watered down in “For Life and Liberty.” Also, in a self explanatory piece, “How Libraries Can Save the 2020 Election,” By Eric Klinenberg. Lastly, on the supposed balance of powers, “Keep Your Head.”
On the next Story Told, Michael transforms into Corona-Smith, and goes to Washington D.C., Also, by Linda Hirshman, “Ruth Bader Ginsburg had a vision for America. Her colleagues thwarted it.” Finally, “Flames That Won’t Die Out So Easily.” by Nicolas Christof.
On the next Story Told, Michael casts away the smoke and mirrors of climate change denial, and draws attention to the very man made wildfires ravaging the West Coast. Plus, the late Dr. Charles Wilder in “My Heroes Have Never Been Cowboys.”
On the next Story Told, America’s notion of immunity on the world stage popped with the September 11th terrorist attacks. Michael took in the views from many Astorians when it happened, and they are recounted in “9/11 + 19.” Additionally, poetry by a 15 year old Jessie Duncan, and 12 year old Margaret Bowler.
On this A Story Told, Michael highlights two late Oregonian men. One, a fabled woodsman. The other, a mariner who died at sea.
In lieu of the 50th anniversary of the People’s Army Jamboree, plus a recent article from the Oregonian, Michael gives his recount of the activist-hippy-legionnaire-government clash. And, in a similar vein, “Oregon World War 1 Vet Lead Twenty Thousand Strong Bonus Army in 1932” by Douglas Perry.
On the next Story Told, a look at the suffragettes who won women the right to vote 100 years ago in a New York Times editorial “The 19th Amendment, an Important Milestone in an Unfinished Journey.” And in a dedication to Rick Sanders, Michael details the tragic end of a silver laden Olympic Oregonian.
On the next Story Told, in lieu of the two approaching Victory Over Japan days, Michael reads a piece titled “At War in Astoria,” dedicated to Joyce Vandervort; and from out of left field comes “Devil’s Brood,” in defiance of uppity right handed elitists.
In honour and horror of Hiroshima Day, August 6th, Michael reads “Paper Cranes,” by a former Astorian, and “I Would be a Witness to Hiroshima,” by Sadako Kurihara. In addition, David Horrowitz discusses modern issues surrounding Portland in “City of Roses Coloured Glasses.”
In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26th, host Michael McCusker reads a piece from one of his best friends, the eloquent, spastic, and late Arthur Honeyman titled “If Cripples Don’t Shape Up.”
On this A Story Told, host Michael McCusker tells of a creatively and politically unhindered news rag that dared to be born twice, with it’s 2nd death, awaiting it’s resurrection in “The Eagle Has Landed.” Plus, a poem by Arthur Honeyman, written the day after America’s moon landing titled “Moonshot.”
On this Story Told, Michael reads about the dawning of nuclear age, three quarters of a century ago when the first nuclear tests were performed in New Mexico. This is followed by “A Matter of Choice,” by Steven Anderson, and in conclusion, a description of what could be humanities’ 2nd death, in the aptly named “Second…
On this Story Told, Michael reads about the dawning of nuclear age, three quarters of a century ago when the first nuclear tests were performed in New Mexico. This is followed by “A Matter of Choice,” by Steven Anderson, and in conclusion, a description of what could be humanities’ 2nd death, in the aptly named “Second…