KMUN’s Community Calendar is your source for all of the wonderful cultural and educational events coming up in the Lower Columbia Pacific Region! We focus on nonprofit and community-focused events, and you’ll find a little something for everyone.
Click on an event to view more details, or click on “more” to view the full list of events for each individual date.

CALL FOR ART - AVA Small Treasures Winter Fundraiser!
Small Treasures Winter Fundraiser & Celebration December 14-15th Free and open to the public Artists, makers, and community members are invited to share their creativity [...]
Pet Spotlight for the South Pacific County Humane Society
Meet Jamieson: Your Future Co-Pilot and Canine Buddy! Jamieson is a handsome, affectionate Pittie mix with a heart as big as his smile! At about [...]
Featured Pet of the Week for the Clatsop County Animal Shelter
The Featured Pet of the Week for the Clatsop County Animal Shelter is CLIFF, a 4 year old male Shepherd mix. Volunteers say he is [...]

Netel Grange Holiday Markets and Craft Fairs
Mark your calendars and join us on November 23rd & 24th and November 30th & Dec 1st from 10:00am to 4:00pm for two back-to-back weekends [...]

Needle Felted Gnomes Workshop
Needle Felted Gnomes workshop w/visiting artist, Mikal Robinson. 2:00pm to 6:00pm at The Sou'wester Lodge Pavilion - 3728 J Pl Seaview, WA. $65. Ages 7+, [...]

Surface Explorations Workshop
Sunday, Nov 24th: Surface Explorations. 2:00pm to 5:00pm. $50. Ilwaco Artworks Community Clay Studio - 109 1st Ave N Ilwaco, WA In this class you [...]
The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon Matinees
The River City Playhouse in Ilwaco will have its fall production, The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon on Fridays and Saturdays, November 8-9, 15-16, 22-23 at 7:00pm. [...]