Around Our Schools, November 08 2022

This month, Around Our Schools focuses on Warrenton Middle and High Schools. Sara Meyer interviews Josh Jannusch, Principal of the newly remodeled Warrenton Middle School, and Rod Heyen, Principal of Warrenton High School. The principals share their academic and professional stories, their connections with the community, and their commitment to students. This is another opportunity…

Around Our Schools, October 11th 2022

Warrenton-Hammond School District #30 will be our school system for the next 3 months.  We begin October 11th with an interview with Superintendent Tom Rogonozki.  He talks about the new middle school and a few of the exciting happenings due in part from the bond levy, staff dedication and commitment of citizens and students.  

Around Our Schools, September 13th 2022

This month’s “Around Our Schools” program focuses on Work Based Learning experiences for Tongue Point Job Corps students. Sara Meyer interviews Carla Pitts and Michelle Padgett, both Work-Based Learning Specialists, about how they find appropriate work sites, how they develop the program with employers, and how students prepare for their work-based learning experiences. Many local businesses are…

Around Our Schools, August 09 2022

This month’s Around Our Schools program provides information about the Tongue Point Job Corps Center, Seamanship Program. Sara Meyer interviews Captain (and Seamanship Director), Len Tumbarello about the incredible opportunity students have to become mariners. Student, Justin Alacron, add his experiences to the interview.

Around Our Schools, June 14 2022

In this program, Sara Meyers interviews Jon Graves, the Director of the federally funded TRIO Programs which includes an annual, 6-week Upward Bound Summer Academy. The Trio Program is a very successful program, based at Clatsop Community College, and serves high school students in Astoria, Warrenton, Knappa, and Seaside.

Around Our Schools, April 12 2022

This month’s Around Our Schools program features the Art Department at Astoria High School. Sara Meyer interviews art instructor, Micky Cereghino (“CHER-i-gee-no”) and Astoria High School Principal, Lynn Jackson. The interview includes a description of the refurbished art room, defines the role of an art teacher, and shares the importance of art as a foundation that supports…

Around Our Schools, November 09 2021

This month’s Around Our Schools program interviews Astoria Schools Superintendent, Craig Hoppes (pronounced “hop-pes”) and Astoria School Board member, Jenna Rickenbach. The interview discusses the status of current  construction projects, the bond measure that supported construction, and the many successes and stressors of providing quality education during a global pandemic. Join Sara Meyer as she…

Around Our Schools, August 10 2021

Around Our Schools interviews Tongue Point Job Corps Center’s newly approved Director, Kim Zufelt, a local, long-time Job Corps employee. Hear her moving success story along with life-long resident, Katrina Gasser, Tongue Point Job Corps’ Liaison to the Community. Their personal stories celebrate local expertise and their commitment to empowering students from all over the…

Around Our Schools, March 09 2021

This month, Around Our Schools program host, Sara Meyer, interviews Jerad Sorber, Vice President of Academic Affairs at Clatsop Community College. Jerad shares many program updates and support areas available for students. Margaret Frimoth adds information about HB2864 requirements for Cultural Competency, and Sara reminds listeners about the upcoming March 13th “Women Interested In Going…

Around Our Schools, February 09 2021

Host Sara Meyer and engineer Margaret Frimoth bring you Around Our Schools: an exploration of our local education system, from career opportunities and campus news, to impacts on the local economy and personal interviews. Join them for their first episode this Tuesday, when Sara interviews Kristen Wilkin, Dean of Workforce Education & Training for Clatsop…