Talk of Our Towns

Join your host Donna Quinn for monthly interviews with movers and shakers from throughout the north Oregon and south Washington coastal region. Produced by the studios of KMUN.

Talk of Our Towns, Sept 12, 2019

Happy Pledge Drive!  Donna’s show this week is about the free family event “GET READY NORTH COAST” happening at the Astoria Armory on Saturday, September 14 from 10 am to 2 pm.  Free emergency preparedness gifts, lunch, games, obstacle course, arts and crafts, etc.  Main sponsors are United Way Clatsop County and Northwest Natural and…

Talk of Our Towns, August 21, 2019

Join Donna Quinn as she talks with  Warrenton chiropractor Dr. Robert James, about this Saturday’s First Annual VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) Post 10580 Health Fair, that’s happening in Warrenton at the James Chiropractic Spine and Joint Center.  There’ll be free health screenings for school and college age students: vision, hearing and more.

Talk of Our Towns, August 14, 2019

In the first half of this edition of Talk of Our Towns, host Donna Quinn talks with artist and illustrator Sally Lackaff and author Paige Cunningham about their collaboration on a children’s book project. In the second half, Donna talks with Netel Grange officer and caretaker Dave Ambrose about the grange’s fundraiser this month.

Talk of Our Towns, June 19, 2019

Join host Donna Quinn as she talks about a pedestrian safety and awareness summer campaign that Sunset Empire Transit District/Northwest Transportation Options is conducting in downtown Astoria. Her guest is Matthew Weintraub with Sunset Empire Transit District/Northwest Transportation Options.   The bifurcated .5 mile of Hwy 30 through downtown is the most dangerous section of…