Sarah Lu Heath, Executive Director of the Astoria Downtown Historic District Association. They talk how Astoria downtown merchants are dealing with current challenges and about two ADHDA events coming up soon.
Talk of Our Towns
Join your host Donna Quinn for monthly interviews with movers and shakers from throughout the north Oregon and south Washington coastal region. Produced by the studios of KMUN.
Donna’s guest this week is Fisherman and Poet Dave Densmore, aka “Dangerous” Dave Densmore. He has been a commercial fisherman for over 61 years in the Pacific Northwest and in Alaska. He has performed at festivals and in schools throughout the country, been in numerous films, on NBC’s “The Today Show, and featured on OPB,…
Donna Quinn speaks with Katelyn Staecker.
Talk of Our Towns, April 29 2020
On this program, Donna Quinn features a rotary telephone interview with Dr. Robert Michael Pyle, who is an American naturalist, writer, teacher, and founder of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. He is the author of 23 books, including “Chasing Monarchs,” “Where Bigfoot Walks,” and “Wintergreen,” which won the John Burroughs Medal, as well as…
Talk of Our Towns, April 15 2020
Donna Quinn does a socially distanced interview with Clatsop Community College President Chris Breitmeyer over the phone.
Donna Quinn features Monica Steele, the Assistant County Manager/Budget and Finance Director for Clatsop County
Author of the newly released “Her Quiet Revolution,” Donna Quinn invites author Marianne Monson on the program.

Join host Donna Quinn as she talks about tourism on the north coast of Oregon. Her guests are Nan Devlin, executive director Tillamook Coast Visitors Association, network manager of North Coast Tourism Management Network and co-founder of North Coast Food Trail; and David Reid, executive director of the Astoria Warrenton Chamber of Commerce.

Donna Quinn talks with guests Ron Craig, filmmaker, historian and founder of the Astoria International Film Festival, and Seth Tichenor, Clatsop Community College philosophy professor, about Black History Month events in Astoria.

Donna Quinn talks with guest from Astoria’s Liberty Theater about the venue’s plans and projects in the new year. Guest are Executive Director Jennifer Crockett, and Board Members Diane Tiedeman and Dulcye Taylor.

Donna Quinn talks with fisher poet Marilyn Dreher about the upcoming 22nd Annual Fisher Poets Gathering, happening February 28 and 29.
Today Donna Quinn talks with Mike McNickle, head of the Clatsop County Health Department, about the county’s new Household Hazardous Waste Facility.

Donna Quinn talks about the upcoming Columbia River Shipwreck Conference sponsored by Columbia River Maritime Museum and the Maritime Archaeological Society happening Saturday, February 8 at CRMM. Her guests will be Bruce Jones, deputy director of the Columbia River Maritime Museum and Christopher Dewey, president of the Maritime Archaeological Society.

Join Donna Quinn as she chats with Peter Marsh, executive director of the Hanthorn Cannery Foundation, about Astoria’s Pier 39 building, a historic cannery complex built on pilings over the Columbia River.

Join host Donna Quinn as she talks with organizers about the Indivisible North Coast Oregon Summit, happening Saturday, January 18. Guests are Carmen Hammersmith, coordinator of the INCO Summit, and Kathleen MacDonald, coordinator of the March to Win, which follows the summit.
Join host Donna Quinn as she talks about “Health and Beauty from the Inside Out.” Her guests are Pink Elephant Juice Emporium proprietor Heather Hirschi and Watershed Wellness Esthetician Amanda Koennecke.
Join host Donna Quinn for this holiday themed show, with music and poetry to reflect on the season.
Today on Talk of Our Towns, Donna Quinn talks about the brand new, larger premises for the Astoria Co-op, which opened in the Millpond neighborhood of Astoria last week. Donna’s guests are Co-op GM Matt Stanley and Marketing Director Zetty Nemlowill.
Join host Donna Quinn as she talks with guests about “Gifts That Make A Difference,” a local fair featuring area non-profits, happening at the Liberty Theater this Saturday. Donna’s guests are Nakesha Womble, executive director for the Clatsop CASA Program, Joshua Saranpaa, executive director for the Wildlife Center of the North Coast and Jennifer Holen,…
Donna Quinn talks with Aylee Rhea, with Greater Oregon Behavior Health, about suicide prevention.
Host Donna Quinn talks about mental health issues with local NAMI Oregon board members Dr. Gabriella Korosi and Lauren Harms. NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI Oregon seeks to open a clubhouse in Clatsop County for mental health support.
Donna Quinn talks with Kathleen Dudley, health care practitioner and reflexologist, about the unstudied health effects of wireless technology.
Join host Donna Quinn as she talks with guests Jeff Daly and Emily Rivera about Astoria Underground Tours. Spoiler Alert: the guests do a musical number in this show to cast light on “Clowning Around in Astoria.”
Host Donna Quinn talks with Seth Tichenor, Clatsop Community College instructor of politics, philosophy and religion, and Ann Robben Dott, interfaith minister and chaplain. Their talking about an upcoming even called “Compassion in Action,” happening in Seaside.
Host Donna Quinn talks with guests Cyndi Mudge and Dave Ambrose about the Clatsop County Arts Summit, “The Business of Art,” happening Nov. 12, from 1-5:30pm at the Seaside Convention Center.
Donna Quinn talks with local chefs about “Iron Chef Goes Coastal,” an annual showcase event for local foodies, held at the Seaside Convention Center.
Host Donna Quinn interviews Dan Haag from the Manzanita Visitor’s Center.
Donna Quinn talks with Jessamyn Grace West and Andrea Mazzarella, co-owners of Astoria’s Oddfellows Building. The building is in the running for $150,000 state historic preservation grant, and you can help by voting online daily.
Join host Donna Quinn as she talks with Josh Saranpaa of the Wildlife Center of the North Coast about their annual founders dinner happening October 15.
Host Donna Quinn talks with SarahLu Heath, executive director of the Astoria Downtown Historic District Association, about the Northwest Brew Cup happening this weekend.