Talk of Our Towns

Join your host Donna Quinn for monthly interviews with movers and shakers from throughout the north Oregon and south Washington coastal region. Produced by the studios of KMUN.

Talk of Our Towns, June 02 2022

My guest tomorrow on “Talk of Our Towns” at 9 am is Lexie Hallahan.  She is the visionary and Director of Northwest Women’s Surf Camps based in Seaside, Oregon.  We will be discussing her upcoming events, camps, programs and how her business has grown, changed to now offer family friendly and co-ed experiences, adapted and…

Talk of Our Towns, April 7 2022

Today we will be learning more about the Fair Housing Council of Oregon, a non-profit statewide civil rights organization promoting justice, equity and inclusion in housing across Oregon.  My guests are Eliza Galaher, Education and Outreach Specialist North and Central Coast Region and Samuel Goldberg, Statewide Education and Outreach Specialist focusing on land-use issues.

Talk of Our Towns, November 04 2021

Host Donna Quinn interviews former investigative journalist William Dean, who has just published his debut suspense novel “Dangerous Freedom”.   Set in the Pacific Northwest, Astoria in particular, Bill moved to Astoria last year from the East Coast and wrote “Dangerous Freedom” during the pandemic.  “Dangerous Freedom” is inspired by a true story from his days…

Talk of Our Towns, June 17 2020

Donna Quinn interviews Arica Sears, Destination Management Coordinator for the Oregon Coast Visitors Association about coastal tourism challenges and the launch of their new volunteer program “North Coast Trailhead Ambassadors” and the online training for that program.  More info at: or

Talk of Our Towns, 06-10-2020

On this weeks episode of Talk of Our Towns, host Donna Q interviews Dick Basch, Vice-Chairman of the Clatsop Nehalem Tribal Council, and Dick’s daughter Charlotte Basch, who is a member of the Clatsop Nehalem and Puyallup communities and is the community education coordinator for the Puyallup tribe.  Learn more about the Clatsop-Nehalem tribe, recently…

Talk of Our Towns, June 3 2020

This Talk of Our Towns host Donna Quinn features Margaret Minnick, Coordinator of the Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve and Joe Liebezeit (pronounced Leeb-uh-zite), Staff Scientist and Avian Conservation Manager for the Portland Audubon Society.  On the table for discussion is the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve, shorebirds and seabirds, upcoming online events and how…