My guest tomorrow on “Talk of Our Towns” at 9 am is Lexie Hallahan. She is the visionary and Director of Northwest Women’s Surf Camps based in Seaside, Oregon. We will be discussing her upcoming events, camps, programs and how her business has grown, changed to now offer family friendly and co-ed experiences, adapted and…
Talk of Our Towns
Join your host Donna Quinn for monthly interviews with movers and shakers from throughout the north Oregon and south Washington coastal region. Produced by the studios of KMUN.
Host Donna Quinn interviews Josh Saranpaa, the Executive Director of The Wildlife Center of the North Coast. They talk about the Birds of a Feather Spring Festival coming up on May 14-15, along with educational outreach programs, volunteer opportunities, summer camps etc,.
Today we will be learning more about the Fair Housing Council of Oregon, a non-profit statewide civil rights organization promoting justice, equity and inclusion in housing across Oregon. My guests are Eliza Galaher, Education and Outreach Specialist North and Central Coast Region and Samuel Goldberg, Statewide Education and Outreach Specialist focusing on land-use issues.
Donna Quinn interviews Joanne Rideout, host of the Ship Report, and long time staff member of KMUN. Joanne started as a volunteer Bedtime Stories reader, and over the past two decades has worked various tenures as both News Director and Station Manager. As of this spring, she has retired from her staff position at…
Host Donna Quinn interviews author teacher Marianne Monson, founder and President of The Writer’s Guild of Astoria. They talk about Marianne’s new novel and all things Writer’s Guild including their newly designed website, upcoming workshops and events … and the power of writing for everyone!
Host Donna Quinn conversates with Katelyn Staecker, Astoria based Internal Family Systems Therapist and Trainer. Their theme is “Moving into the New Year with Grace and Gratitude.”
Host Donna Quinn interviews former investigative journalist William Dean, who has just published his debut suspense novel “Dangerous Freedom”. Set in the Pacific Northwest, Astoria in particular, Bill moved to Astoria last year from the East Coast and wrote “Dangerous Freedom” during the pandemic. “Dangerous Freedom” is inspired by a true story from his days…
Host Donna Quinn interviews Will Caplinger, an ISA Certified Arborist who studied Classical Bonsai with the master Yuji Yoshimura and holds a master’s degree in Plant Geography from the University of California at Davis.
Host Donna Quinn discusses the Astoria Nordic Heritage Park with her guest Judith A. Lampi, the Committee Chair.
Host Donna Quinn interviews author and teacher Marianne Monson, founder and President of The Writer’s Guild of Astoria. They talk about all things Writer’s Guild, the poetry contest happening now and the upcoming exciting reading by Pulitzer Prize winning poet Jericho Brown at the Liberty Theatre on November 5.
Host Donna Quinn speaks with Shelby Meyers, Executive Director of the Astoria Sunday Market. They talk about all things Astoria Sunday Market including longtime and new vendors and the evolution of the market during CoVid times.
May’s Talk of Our Towns focuses on the Wildlife Center of the North Coast. Host Donna Quinn’s guest is Executive Director Josh Saranpaa. They discuss the Wildlife Center’s Spring Open House and Native Plant Sale happening Saturday, May 8 from 10 am to 4 pm with guided tours (hoping to get folks to register for those…
On this episode of Talk of Our Towns, host Donna Quinn interviews John Goodell, Director of Science & Policy of the Elakha Alliance. They discuss a prospective sea otter reintroduction to the Oregon Coast and related connections to coastal tribes, kelp conservation and more for this keystone species.
On this weeks Talk of Our Towns, host Donna Quinn is joined by Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Program Manager Chelsea Harper and CASA volunteer Sarah Jones.
This month’s “Talk of Our Towns” explores the theme “Crossing the Divide With Heartfelt Compassion”. Can we learn new ways of being with each other in today’s world, a world which seems more divided than ever before? How can we cultivate kindness and generosity of spirit in ourselves and in others? Today my guests are…
Donna Quinn hosts a conversation with two Oregonians engaged in a David & Goliath struggle with Idaho Power over a high voltage transmission line proposed over five counties in Eastern Oregon. Her guests are La Grande, Oregon residents Fuji and Jim Kreider, co-founders of Stop B2H, a 501c3 non-profit non-political grassroots coalition.
Host Donna Quinn reads inspiring poetry and prose, offering tips on how we can calm ourselves during times of intense stress.
Host Donna Quinn interviews the Astoria Downtown Historic District Association Executive Director Sarah Lu Heath about upcoming changes to the ADHDA.
State of the Station. Host Donna Quinn interviews Program Director Emily Geddes and Station Manager Graham Nystrom, discussing the ongoing state of KMUN, KCPB, and the Tillicum House.
Host Donna Quinn speaks with two representatives of the Association for Mental Disabilities in Clatsop County. Her guests are AMD President Richard Elfering and AMD Board Member Kenneth H. Rislow.
On today’s program, themed “Transforming Uncertainty into Safety and Security”, host Donna Quinn interviews Astoria based IFS Counselor and Trainer Katelyn Staecker.
Host Donna Quinn interviews Long Beach Peninsula author, Jan Bono. Jan will be unveiling “Oyster Spat,” her 5th Sylvia Avery Cozy Mystery at a book signing on Friday, July 31st from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Peninsula Senior Activity Center, 21603 O Lane, Ocean Park, WA. All five of Jan’s books, all set…
Host Donna Quinn interviews Jackie Ferrier, Refuge Manage/Project Leader for the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge Complex. Last year Jackie was named the 2019 Refuge Manager of the Year by the National Wildlife Refuge Association. This marks the first time in the award’s 25 year history that a woman has received the honor. They discuss the…
Host Donna Quinn interviews Astoria City Planner Barbara Fryer and Astoria Community Development Director Meg Leatherman.
Host Donna Quinn interviews Dr. Jenny Gallagher, a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and the founder of Moss Forest Sanctuary in Clatsop County.
Host Donna Quinn is joined by Katie Voelke, Executive Director of the North Coast Land Conservancy, to discuss the recent grant from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board for the NCLC Rainforest Reserve Project and the ways it is helping to moving the project forward.
Donna Quinn interviews Arica Sears, Destination Management Coordinator for the Oregon Coast Visitors Association about coastal tourism challenges and the launch of their new volunteer program “North Coast Trailhead Ambassadors” and the online training for that program. More info at: or
On this weeks episode of Talk of Our Towns, host Donna Q interviews Dick Basch, Vice-Chairman of the Clatsop Nehalem Tribal Council, and Dick’s daughter Charlotte Basch, who is a member of the Clatsop Nehalem and Puyallup communities and is the community education coordinator for the Puyallup tribe. Learn more about the Clatsop-Nehalem tribe, recently…
This Talk of Our Towns host Donna Quinn features Margaret Minnick, Coordinator of the Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve and Joe Liebezeit (pronounced Leeb-uh-zite), Staff Scientist and Avian Conservation Manager for the Portland Audubon Society. On the table for discussion is the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve, shorebirds and seabirds, upcoming online events and how…