Local Public Meeting Archive

Archive of recorded meetings for local and regional committees, organizations, and other public entities.

Local News News Archive

Astoria Planning Commission meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020

Live recording of Astoria Planning Commission meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020. The commission voted to OK the Pacific Seafood request to site employee dormitory housing in a Uniontown residential neighborhood.

News Archive

Local News: Live recording of Astoria City Council, February 18, 2020

Live recording of the Astoria City Council Meeting, Tuesday, Feb 18, 2020. This meeting was held on a Tuesday instead of a Monday because of the Presidents Day Holiday. At this meeting the city voted to uphold the Design Review Commission’s denial of the Grocery Outlet store proposed for the city’s east end gateway district. 

Local News News Archive

Local News: Live recording of Port of Astoria commission meeting, Tues, Feb 4, 2020

This is a partial recording of the Port of Astoria Commission meeting, held Tues. Feb 4, 2020. The recording begins about 15 minutes into the meeting. The first voice you hear is commissioner Frank Spence addressing speakers from Business Oregon. The business agency has agreed to accept the Port’s current strategic business plan, which will…

Local News News Archive

Local News: Live recording of Astoria City Council Meeting on Feb 3, 2020

Live recording of Astoria City Council Meeting on Feb 3, 2020. The council discussed the Astoria Grocery Outlet project and tentatively voted to uphold the denial of the Astoria Design Review Commission. The council will hold a final vote at their next council meeting on Feb. 18. And APD Officer Kenny Hansen was honored for…

Local News News Archive

Local News: Live Recording Astoria Planning Commission Meeting, 11/26/19

Live recording of Astoria Planning Commission Meeting, November 27, 2019. Commissioners agreed on a proposal for Urban Core amendments to Astoria City Code. Those changes will go before the Astoria City Council for consideration.

Astoria City Council Meeting, October 21, 2019

Live recording of Astoria City Council Meeting, October 21, 2019. The council gave final approval to code changes affecting the Bridge Vista Overlay Zone of the city along the waterfront from 2nd St. to Portway St. The council also approved a lease with American Cruise Lines for management of the 17th St. Dock by the…

News Archive

Astoria City Council Meeting, October 7, 2019

Live recording of Astoria City Council Meeting, October 7, 2019. The meeting was already underway when this recording began (I was a little late!), and audience members are commenting to the council about their experiences in Astoria’s sister city, Walldorf, Germany. The council business relating to waterfront development and the Port of Astoria happens later…