Another charming chat between two local, and well beloved, coastal foodies, Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins
Food Talk
Hosts Linda Perkins and Merianne Myers talk about home cooking successes and failures, where they find inspiration and what’s for dinner. This locally produced program about life in the kitchen airs twice monthly. Send comments, questions, and haikus to:
Splattershields – who uses em’? More with M2 and Linda Perkins.
Join Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for a charming chat about all things foody.
Join Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for another off the cuff, delightful session about good food in the Pacific Northwest.
Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins talk food and fun on the North Coast
Jon Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for a chat about good cookin’ in the Pacific Northwest.
Join Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for a chat about coastal food and cooking.
More snappy patter about food and flavors from Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins. Among the many topics they’ll talk about today is the spice ginger: there’s ginger, and then, there’s…. GINGER. Tune in to get the scoop.
More snappy patter about food and life with Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins.
Join Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for an entertaining chat about all things food.
More delightful, and far ranging Food Talk from Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins.
Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins chat about PNW food.
Fun times with Food Talk’s dynamic duo: Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins!
Join Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for a lighthearted romp through the corridors of cuisine.
Join Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for a hilarious chat about food on the Coast.
These Hilarious girls will chatter your ear off with some stuff about cooking in the summertime.
Check out the latest Food Talk podcast . . at least as of now.
Very exciting dialog about food with Merianne Myers & Linda Perkins!
Join Merianne Myers sand Linda Perkins for Food Talk
Join Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for a discussion about All Things Edible.
Join Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for a lighthearted talk about good food and how to create it.
Jon Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for a fun filled foray into cooking and good food.
Join Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins for a spirited chat about all things food!