Get ready for non-stop action. . .Clatsop Community Action! Mac and Alana learn all about the organization when they chat with Director Viviana Matthews. Plus, guess who cares about the anniversary of the Gong Show – Mac or Alana?
An Adventure in History
A weekly look at all things history in and around Clatsop County, Oregon. Hosted by Mac Burns and Alana Kujala, and produced for KMUN by the Clatsop County Historical Society.
Ok kids, class is in session. Local education legend Leila Collier is on hand to grade Mac & Alana. Alana gets an “A” for coming prepared, asking excellent questions, and being so charming. Mac gets an “F” for comparing the British Museum with the Clatsop County Historical Society and for needlessly plagiarizing from Vegas Vacation.
A Woman, two Rabbis, and a Priest walk into a bar in Denver. . .Kassia Nye, the Executive Director of the United Way of Clatsop County, join Mac & Alana this week for a very special show. Bonus Feature: find out what a “hookless fastener” is!
On this episode of AIH, Mac & Alana discuss Thomas Jefferson naughtiness, the history of Sears, Russ Warr & the founding of Talking Tombstones, and the riveting tale of Mac’s fridge. All this, plus a musical refrain.
Mac & Alana chat with David Frei. . .you know him from years of hosting the “Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show” and the “National Dog Show.” But, did you know his connections to Seinfeld, therapy dogs, Oregon football, and even Richard Nixon? Better tune in to our Best Show Ever.
Skyler Archibald, Director of the Sunset Empire Parks & Recreation District, joins Mac & Alana for a conversation about pools, new buildings, and chance meetings with the love of your life while riding bikes as a kid.
Mac & Alana talk about World War I and how it still affects us today. For fun, keep track of how many words Mac mispronounces.
Giant Flower Baskets & Starfish? That must mean Mac & Alana are chatting with Laurie Mespelt, Executive Director of the Seaside Downtown Development Association.
Mac & Alana take a look at Immigration this week. And, as a bonus, Mac picks on Connecticut.
Kelli Ennis with the Haystack Rock Awareness Program makes Mac feel badly for aggressive poking in the tide pools. She also shares the second greatest Oregon Coast dynamite story! Join Mac & Alana for their Best Show Ever.
Mac & Alana are joined by Clatsop County Historical Society Curator Dr. Chelsea Vaughn for a discussion about the temporary exhibit at the Heritage Museum: Away From Home American Indian Boarding School Stories. In unrelated news, Mac realizes why the show will never be popular in Russia.
Mac & Alana chat with Justin Parker the North Coast District Manager for Oregon State Parks. Fort Stevens, campers, cougars, bears and picnic baskets – what a show!
Frappuccino, Crystal Pepsi, AND therapy dogs? That must mean Mac & Alana are chatting with Cherilyn Frei, Director of Mission Integration at Providence Seaside.
Tonight Mac & Alana answer the question: “How many Nuns does it take to start a hospital?” when they explore the history of our local hospitals
Mac & Alana discuss William Badger, the first African-American in Oregon to hold public office. Spoiler alert: It was in Gearhart in the 1920s and 1930s.
Mac & Alana welcome local teacher Rachel Fackler who chats about her experience with the JET program and her year teaching in Japan. Maybe she’ll teach Mac & Alana how to say “Best Show Ever” in Japanese!
On this President’s Day/Valentine’s Day very special episode, Mac & Alana will be your Wine & Chocolate Stewards. May we suggest pairing the big show with a nice dark chocolate bar and red wine?
Mac & Alana chat with Jim Aalberg, the Great-Great-Great-Great Grandson of Captain West, the founder of Westport, Oregon. This show has it all: canned salmon, logging, mills, ferries. . .all the things that make Oregon great. Oh, and a famous beheading may come up.
Read all about it! Mac and Alana welcome Jimmy Pearson from the Astoria City Library. Learn all about Jimmy’s exciting backstory, his favorite children’s book, and which parking space he was assigned.
Grab a cool refreshing beverage, pop some popcorn, sit back and get ready for. . .the Battle of Cape Lookout! Mac & Alana tell the edge-of-your-seat story about Japanese Submarines and the Oregon Coast during World War II. This story is the exciting sequel to the Japanese Submarine that shelled Fort Stevens.
Mac and Alana chat with Elaine Trucke, Executive Director of the Cannon Beach History Center and Museum. How did Cannon Beach get it’s name? What is Mac’s favorite bear? And just when did the “Six Million Dollar Man” tv show go off the rails? Tune in for these and other exciting things you need to…
Mac & Alana pitch a great idea on how we can celebrate New Year’s Eve locally. Possums, bologna, pick-axes, the great Horse vs. Automobile debate, and procreating turtles. . .this show has a little of everything!
Mac & Alana start the new year off with special guest Megan Leatherman, Astoria Community Development Director. College Football, Mars, Dragnet, and Wetlands. . .this show touches on a little of everything
This week Mac & Alana review things that turned 100 this year and what we can celebrate turning 100 in 2021.
Tonight, Mac & Alana chat with Loran Mathews. What do you bet the Scandinavian Festival or Nordic Park gets mentioned?
This week Mac & Alana discuss the Ghadar Party and have a special announcement about Santa.
Mac & Alana are joined this week by local celebrity, historian, preservationist, long-distance runner, world traveler, alligator wrestler, and all-around Man-About-Town: John Goodenberger. John entertains us with two pioneer tales you won’t soon forget.
On this episode of An Adventure in History, Mac and Alana talk about. . .milk. Somehow, it is still the best show ever.
An Adventure in History.