News Archive

Bangs asks Brown to reconsider mask and vaccine mandates

As weekly COVID-19 case counts in Clatsop County continue to surge, primarily in unvaccinated residents, Clatsop County Commissioner Courtney Bangs sent a letter to Oregon Governor Kate Brown urging her to reconsider vaccine and mask mandates, especially, she said, with regard to schools. Bangs said in the letter, quote: “While the vaccine is a valuable…

A Story Told, August 26 2021

On the next Story Told, “The Twenty-Sixth of August” will be when this program takes place, and it will also be the title of the first piece on this program, written by Leanora Murray. Additionally, “The Equal Rights Amendment,” from Michael McCusker, and from Tamim Ansary “History shows us that outsiders can never bring peace to Afghanistan.”    

Local News

Despite Surge, Hood to Coast is a Go

By Joanne Rideout.  The Hood to Coast Relay Race will proceed this weekend, bringing thousands of runners to Seaside, during a time when COVID-19 cases are rising again and rural hospitals risk being overwhelmed. Rebecca Coplin is interim chief executive at Providence Seaside Hospital. “I would say that in many ways this is a typical…

Local News

Over Capacity Leads to Deaths at Columbia Memorial Hospital

by Jacob Lewin. Columbia Memorial Hospital says several patients have died there because they could not be transferred to larger, more specialized hospitals. These are not covid deaths, although it is overcrowding due to covid that kept them from getting treatment. In a brief statement made to the Astorian, Columbia Memorial’s CEO—Erik Thorson– says that…

Local News

Clatsop County Health leaders hold joint COVID press conference

The head of the Clatsop County Health Department held a news conference today with head nursing staff from hospitals in Astoria and Seaside, to talk about the renewed and escalating pandemic in the county, fueled by the delta variant. She called the rebounding crisis a “wildfire” that is beyond containment. Joanne Rideout reports.  Scroll down…

A Story Told, August 12 2021

On the next Story Told, Michael McCusker ponders whether nuclear holocost or climate change will get us first. Also, “Earth’s Checklist,” a poem, by Margit L. Bowler, and on a related note, Carl Safina and Paul Greenberg claim “We Need an Infrastructure Package for Nature.” Finally, Eugene Robinson puts it simply by saying, “Ignoring climate change hasn’t made it go…

Local News

Fort George Brewery’s five o’clock whistle is an Astoria tradition

For years, Fort George Brewery blew a work whistle at its downtown brewery every day, audible in and near downtown Astoria. For some, it was a kind of connection during the pandemic. The whistle was moved earlier this year, but that’s not the end of the story. KMUN’s Jacob Lewin reports: Ever since Fort George…

Local News

Clastsop County Vaccine Update

With 18 new cases a day, some of the covid-19 spread we’re now seeing in Clatsop County is coming from people who have been vaccinated. KMUN’s Jacob Lewin spoke with County Public Health Director Margo Lalich and has this report: While the large majority of new covid cases involve the unvaccinated, locally about 15-percent of…

Around Our Schools, August 10 2021

Around Our Schools interviews Tongue Point Job Corps Center’s newly approved Director, Kim Zufelt, a local, long-time Job Corps employee. Hear her moving success story along with life-long resident, Katrina Gasser, Tongue Point Job Corps’ Liaison to the Community. Their personal stories celebrate local expertise and their commitment to empowering students from all over the…