Mac & Alana do some serious investigative reporting when they are joined by Erik Thorsen, CEO of Columbia Memorial Hospital. The result? We discover Erik’s secret alias!
Friday, December 17TH at 3 pm, ARTS – Live & Local! Carol Newman hosts: Writer and host Heather Hirschi with author Robert Michael Pyle for First Person: Authors Talk at KALA. Writer Mark Mizell & artist Stirling Gorsuch with their new book “What Are The Chances?” Marcy Dunning, president of Clatsop Animal…
On the next Story Told, Michael McCusker delivers an original rant pertaining to the Bill of Rights. Also, from Dr. Robert Brake, “The Bill of Rights: America’s Greatest Afterthought?” And finally, “Mark Meadows has already established a coup plot. Do we care enough to stop him?,” written by Jennifer Rubin.
Host Sara Meyer talks with Social Emotional Learning Coach for the Astoria School District, Jenni Newton. Jenni describes what SEL is, how it’s used in the classroom, and why it’s an important tool and framework for students of all ages.
Welcome to the Human Beat! I’m Roger Rocka. Clatsop Community Action is a non-profit agency that has been providing services to low-income residents of the county for over 30 years. CCA tries to help people meet their critical needs like shelter and food. Their clients include people who are homeless. The executive director of Clatsop…
Friday, December 3rd at 3 pm, ARTS – Live & Local! Carol Newman hosts: Theater executive director Danyelle Tinker & performance director Susi Brown with ‘Almost Baroque for Christmas – A Holiday Review’ at The Ten Fifteen Theater in Astoria. Ceramic artists Richard Rowland and Randy McClelland on ‘Ahikaaroa: Under the Beaver Moon’…
On the next Story Told, Michael McCusker presents “On the Occasion of the 80ᵗʰ Anniversary of Pearl Harbor.” Also, Dr. Robert Brake gives a “Bizarre Suggestion,” being a lyrically practical homage to the DC-3 Airliner. Finally, redressing a longtime mischaracterization in “Why Norman Rockwell left Thanksgiving Americana behind,” by Andrew L. Yarrow
We talked about Thanksgiving aftermath, Korean Gim Bap, holiday cookies.
The “greatest show ever” when Mac & Alana talk about the “Greatest Generation” from Clatsop County and their World War II experiences.
Friday, December 3rd at 3 pm, ARTS – Live & Local! Carol Newman hosts: Bereniece Jones Centeno, Director of the Charlene Larsen Center for the Performing Arts, with an Afternoon of Stars at the Bridgewater Bistro. Kirista Trask of Cambium Gallery on Handmade for the Holidays pop ups – 5 venues, over 40…
On the next Story Told, Michael McCusker delves into the Oregon’s Citizen’s Alliance, otherwise known as the O.C.A., in “Petition of Prejudice.” Also, “Arthur’s House” from Katrin Bridget Snow, and poetry from Juanita Huebner, “Walking Tour of Astoria.”
Christmas Bird Count
Alan Evans stops by to give Mac & Alana some “Helping Hands”. . .learn all about his amazing journey.
Friday, November 26th at 3 pm, ARTS – Live & Local! Carol Newman hosts: Program coordinator Andrew Tonry on Tolovana Arts Colony happenings: Wreath workshop; Caesar the Llama live; Holiday bazaar. ChrisLynn Taylor & Cheryl Capellen from the North Coast Chorale with Karl Jenkins’ “The Healer” at the Larsen Center for the Performing…
On the next Story Told, Robert Jensen gives “No Thanks to Thanksgiving,” while Michael McCusker merely gives some personal observations. Additionally, to conclude the program, “Evergreen” by Jim Dott.
Turkey Vulture
Mac & Alana welcome Sari Hartman to “Interesting Things That Happened in the Past”. . .the name of the show when it airs in Finland. Sari shares memories of growing up in Astoria as a Finnish immigrant.
Friday, November 19th at 3 pm, ARTS – Live & Local! Carol Newman hosts: Conductor Cory Pederson with the North Coast Chamber Orchestra’s “Minor Alterations” & Columbia River Symphony’s holiday concerts. Mystery/thriller author & former crime reporter Jennifer Greer with the North Coast Mystery Writer’s Group and her novels. English dept chair…
On the next Story Told, all about JFK’s assassination in Dan Armstrong’s “Dearth of a President.” Additionally, by Robert Reich, “What Happens When a Congressman Threatens a Colleague With Violence.”
Host Teresa Retzlaff talks with Jessica Schleif about autumn things, garlic, bulbs, perennial planting, and other seasonal thoughts for this time of year.
Water Year
“I once caught a fish THIS big!” Mac & Alana share some tales from the waters of the Pacific Northwest.
Friday, November 12th at 3 pm, ARTS – Live & Local! Carol Newman hosts: Director Katherine Lacaze and actor Molly Oien with Arsenic and Old Lace at Astoria High School. Executive director Jennifer Crockett on The Liberty Theatre Gala, the Heritage Piano Trio and more. Astoria artist Autumn Hurd on her art, life,…
On the next Story Told, Michael McCusker acknowledges the day the great slaughter ended one hundred three years ago with “Armistice 103.” Additionally, from Rick Rubin, “Veterans of America, I salute you!”
This month’s Around Our Schools program interviews Astoria Schools Superintendent, Craig Hoppes (pronounced “hop-pes”) and Astoria School Board member, Jenna Rickenbach. The interview discusses the status of current construction projects, the bond measure that supported construction, and the many successes and stressors of providing quality education during a global pandemic. Join Sara Meyer as she…
El Nina
In Clatsop County, the primary provider of mental health services is Clatsop Behavioral Healthcare. We sat down with CBH executive director Amy Baker to talk about the growing mental health problems in the county and across the country, and what’s needed to provide adequate treatment.
Mac & Alana welcome Rick Newton. I bet Warrenton gets mentioned a few times! And, somehow, the Pony Express also gets some airtime.