This workshop has been cancelled.
November 9th and 10th: Homemade Paper Making Workshop with visiting artist, Dr. Tawnya Selene Renelle at The Sou’wester Lodge Pavilion. 10:00am to 1:00pm. All Ages welcome. Beginner-friendly. 3728 J Place Seaview, WA.
Ever wondered what to do with all your handwritten notes, letters, junk mail, and more? Why not transform it into something beautiful. In this workshop we will make homemade paper from our own materials as well as natural collected materials. On November 9th from 2:00pm to 5:00pm we will have the first part of our workshop. Please bring along with you any materials you might want to recycle, reuse, and transform. You may also choose to bring along magazine images or family photos. We will be creating homemade paper which will set over night. On November 10th from 2:00pm to 5:00pm we will explore ways of interacting with our paper including embroidery, creative writing, photography, and more. This class is beginner friendly and open to all artists and creatives of all mediums.
Dr. Tawnya Selene Renelle is an experimental writer, educator, and interdisciplinary artist with each of these practices shaping and informing each other. She graduated from The University of Glasgow with a Doctor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has recently returned to America after seven years of living abroad. Her focus is on experimental and hybrid forms, and she explores memoir through poetry, performance, fiction, essay, photography, embroidery, and more. She has published across genres and in a variety of platforms including online literary journals, print zines, anthologies, and more. Her two experimental poetry collections were released in Scotland in 2019 and 2022. Tawnya’s work interrogates the limitations of genre and traditional literary conventions and aims to innovate and create new spaces for readers, audiences, and writers.