KMUN’s Community Calendar is your source for all of the wonderful cultural and educational events coming up in the Lower Columbia Pacific Region! We focus on nonprofit and community-focused events, and you’ll find a little something for everyone.
Click on an event to view more details, or click on “more” to view the full list of events for each individual date.

Poetry Writing Workshop with Didi Jackson
The Hoffman Center for the Arts in Manzanita will be having a poetry writing workshop on March 22nd and 23rd. The Infinite Art of Poetry [...]
The International Cat Assocoation-T.I.C.A. Cat Show
Do you love cats? If so, come to the TICA cat show presented by 'Casdadia Cat Club' on Saturday and Sunday, March 22nd and 23rd, [...]
Volunteer Assistance Available for Household Chores
Astoria, Oregon—Senior citizens in Astoria needing help around the house now have an extra pair of hands just a phone call away. Whether it’s dusting [...]

Astoria Oregon American Legion Post 12 Weekly Bingo - Open to the Public
You are invited to join us every Sunday for BINGO at the Astoria American Legion. Our BINGO is open to the public. Doors open at [...]

Three Leg Torso at the Raymond Theater
3 Leg Torso is a world music ensemble performing original music in the traditions of klezmer, Roma (gypsy), Middle Eastern, and tango. This band has [...]
Live Jazz, The Tiptons Saxophone Quartet and Drums
THE TIPTONS SAXOPHONE QUARTET & DRUMS are an internationally renowned all-female saxophone quartet with drums, celebrating over 30 years as a band. Formed in 1988 [...]