KMUN’s Community Calendar is your source for all of the wonderful cultural and educational events coming up in the Lower Columbia Pacific Region! We focus on nonprofit and community-focused events, and you’ll find a little something for everyone.
Click on an event to view more details, or click on “more” to view the full list of events for each individual date.
Meshuggah-Nuns! The Musical
MESHUGGAH-NUNS! Written by Dan Goggin DATES: June 28-September 1, 2024 TIME: All performances begin at 7:30 p.m. TICKETS: $35 and $30. Tickets available at, [...]
Summer Food Service Program
Summer Food Program for kids 18 and under. Free Lunches - Monday through Thursday from 11:30am to 12:00pm. No registration is required, lunches are on [...]
Pet Spotlight for the South Pacific County Humane Society
Meet Bentley: Your Perfect Lap Buddy! Are you in search of a walking companion who also doubles as a cozy lap dog? Look no further! [...]
Featured Pet of the Week for the Clatsop County Animal Shelter
The Featured Pet of the Week for the Clatsop County Animal Shelter is BLANCO, a 3 year old black and white male husky. Blanco came [...]
Clatsop County Animal Assistance Request
The Clatsop County Animal Shelter is over capacity and we are looking for people willing to foster dogs and cats on a short-term basis. You [...]
Clamshell Railroad Days
Clamshell Railroad Days, an annual celebration of model trains and local train histo-ry, is back at the Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum July 20th and 21st. [...]
PAPA Theater Presents ~ “Little Women: A Little Musical”
PAPA Theater Presents ~ “Little Women: A Little Musical”, at the Fort Columbia Theater in Chinook WA. The play runs July 5th to August 4th, [...]

Shanghaied in Astoria
It's here the 40th Season of Shanghaied in Astoria, as we celebrate 40 years of this Clatsop County treasured production we also reflect on all [...]